Tesla EV Charger Installation Services In Baldwin
Owning a business in any location is a lot of work, and Baldwin, MD, is no different. You’re always looking for ways to stand out from your competition. If part of your brand includes environmental stewardship, investing in EV charging stations for your parking lot is a great choice. Having EV charging stations encourages your employees to drive an EV and can also help bring in new customers as they come to your parking lot to charge. The professionals at TriStar Electric are here to help you make the best choice when installing an EV charging station at your business. Call TriStar Electric’s team of master electricians at (410) 799-5791 or (301) 384-8880 to schedule a free appointment or to learn more about EV charger installation in Baldwin.
Businesses In Baldwin Benefit From Tesla Ownership
Most people who invest in an EV like a Tesla do so because they want to limit their negative environmental impact. Driving an EV is a great way to do that since there are no emissions and a lower carbon footprint for charging a vehicle than for filling it with gasoline. In most cases, this also translates to savings regarding the car’s ownership cost, which is a great reason to choose one as your business vehicle. The cost to fill your battery with power is less than that of your tank with gasoline: according to an Energy Sage report, the average price to charge a Tesla is $13.96 to $18.30, depending on the model. There are also fewer maintenance costs since you don’t have to have oil changes or replace oil filters. You also don’t have to worry about emissions testing.
TriStar Can Install chargers In Baldwin
TriStar Electric is proud to be Tesla-certified, and we are always ready and willing to install Tesla chargers at your home or business. We understand that there are many options for driving an EV, and as a business owner, you need to think about the best choice for your charger. Because of this, we install chargers for a variety of manufacturers, including:
Our knowledgeable professionals can help you decide on the correct charger to install for your business. We know the difference between the different types of charging circuit ports, and we can help you to make the best decision possible. We also stay current on the industry trends, such as Tesla’s recent announcement of their intention to add CCS to their existing charger style to accommodate all EVs.
Remember TriStar For Commercial Electrical Needs In Baldwin
Even if you need more time to install a charging station at your business, keep TriStar Electric in your mind. We do so much more than installing chargers. We can help with a variety of commercial electrical needs, including:
- Flood/ Security Lighting
- Parking Lot Lighting
- Generators
- Office and warehouse LED lighting
- And More
We are ready and willing to serve Baldwin and the rest of Maryland. Give us a call today.