Your shed can most likely have working electricity – improving the functionality and increasing the value of your home. Even though lights, heat, and outlets in your shed can help you out, running electricity to a shed can be a… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘electrical safety’
Tips to Protecting Yourself from Electrical Hazards During a Storm
Any resident living on the East Coast can testify to the damage provoked by electrical hazards a severe storm can leave behind. You must already have a safety checklist and evacuation plan in place, but have you thought about the… Read More
Why Does My Light Switch Keep Shocking Me?
Have you ever walked into one of your rooms, reached for the light switch, and got shocked by an unexpected static discharge? You might wonder if there is more to know about this “shocking” circumstance than just a spark at… Read More
Safely Resetting a Tripped Circuit Breaker
Do you know how to safely reset a circuit breaker when the power goes off in your home? Each circuit is secured by a circuit breaker kept inside the home’s main service panel or a breaker box. The significance of… Read More
Having Problems with Your Electrical Outlets?
Having an outdated, damaged, or otherwise poorly installed electrical system in your home is not to take lightly and can lead to a dangerous situation. An example is loose electrical outlets. This is why it’s crucial to have a professional… Read More
What’s The Difference Between Ungrounded and Grounded Outlets?
You may have heard of ungrounded and grounded outlets without realizing what makes these two outlets different. Clearly, one is “grounded,” and one isn’t, but what does that mean? And more importantly, what does it mean for the effectiveness of… Read More
How to Find and Operate the Safest Space Heater for Your Home
Close to 25,000 house fires every year are attributed to space heaters. Additionally, nearly 6,000 people end up in the hospital with burns from touching the hot surface of a heater. Home space heaters can be beneficial tools for various… Read More
Safety Tips and Tricks for Halloween Lighting
If your family is excited about the upcoming Halloween holiday, you may be preparing to set up your favorite decorations and lighting. If you are decorating any part of your home, it is important to familiarize yourself with a few… Read More
Why Are My Lights Flickering?
If a light starts flickering in your home, this can quickly become aggravating. While flickering lights are not immediately dangerous, they are annoying and distracting to those who rely on the light and if left alone may lead to more… Read More
Why Is Your Air Fryer Tripping Your Circuit Breaker?
An air fryer is an increasingly popular kitchen appliance. However, many new owners of this appliance find that they trip their circuit breaker when they use it. If this is happening to you, there are reasons for this mishap –… Read More