Running electricity to a detached building, such as a shed, garage, or barn, is a great way to add usable space and value to your home. A detached building is just a storage space without electricity. With electricity, the possibilities… Read More
Maryland Deck Lighting Services
Six more weeks of winter: that is the prognosis. Six more weeks of cold, six more weeks of snow, and six more weeks of indoor activities. But that doesn’t mean you can’t start planning for spring. In fact, now is… Read More
Maryland Residential Security Lighting
You are much more than a homeowner. You are also a husband and a father. It is your job to not only provide a roof over your family’s heads, but also ensure their safety. Is your family safe? According to… Read More
Maryland Commercial Electrical Maintenance Contracts
Keeping a business running profitably requires an investment of time…your time. As a business owner, especially a small business owner, you wear many hats. You are a boss, an accountant, a customer service representative, and even a custodian. Still, there… Read More
Maryland Electrical Maintenance Contracts
In today’s do-it-yourself world, more and more homeowners are tackling home improvement projects they would have once trusted to the professionals. After all, there is a YouTube video for just about anything nowadays, from how to build a patio to… Read More
Parking Lot Security Lighting
Did you know that roughly 80% of all criminal activity at shopping centers, strip malls and business offices occur in the parking lot? Woah! As a business owner, you owe it to your customers to do everything in your power… Read More
Make the Switch from Incandescent Bulbs to Energy Efficient LED Bulbs
In 2013, a new law was passed banning incandescent 100 watt and 75 watt bulbs. Well, it’s a new year and there is a new law for 2014, this one stopping the production of 60 Watt and 40 Watt Incandescent… Read More
Carbon Monoxide Detector installation around Baltimore, Maryland
Carbon monoxide is an odorless, tasteless, and invisible gas that results from the incomplete combustion from any non-electric flame fueled device: ranges, ovens, clothes dryers, furnaces, fireplaces, grills, space heaters, vehicles, and water heaters. Carbon monoxide is also the leading… Read More
Space Heater Safety Tips
Winter is almost officially here. The temperature has noticeably in much of the country and homeowners everywhere are looking for ways to save on their utility bills. After all, heating accounts for 34% of annual utility costs in the average… Read More
Freeze Warning: Freezing Pipes, Ice Dams, and Warm Hearted Remedies
‘Tis the season for…Freezing Pipes and Ice Dams. The first day of winter is not even here yet (less than a week away: December 21st) and the temperature has already dropped below freezing on a couple occasions. Are you ready… Read More