Under cabinet lighting is a great way to illuminate certain spots around your home. From hardwired to battery-powered lighting, working in your kitchen will be easier and comfortable with an extra boost of light. Fortunately, we can assist you in… Read More
Replacing a Light Switch to an Electrical Outlet
Your home will have various electrical needs, such as replacing a light switch with an electrical outlet. Because outlets and light switches have multiple functions, it will be hard not to know what you can or can’t do when working… Read More
How Floodwater Can Impair Your Anne Arundel Home’s Electrical System
Floodwater can be hazardous and impair your home’s electrical system. Some of these components can possibly come into contact with water when your home gets flooded. Keep reading for more details on how floodwater can impair your Anne Arundel home’s… Read More
Do You Have Circuit Breaker Troubleshooting Questions? Just Ask Us!
Every home varies, and you might have a circuit breaker troubleshooting problem that is distinctive to you. Luckily, TriStar Electric is always here to answer your questions and provide the solutions to maintain your home’s electric system functioning safely. To… Read More
Main Home Appliances that Consume the Most Electricity in Your Severna Park Home
As homeowners, we enjoy the convenience that home appliances bring us, but they are responsible for consuming the most electricity and leaving us with an electricity bill burden. So, let’s look at the various typical suspects regarding electrical appliance usage.
How to Power Your Annapolis Outdoor Landscape Lighting
Whether hanging decorative lights to liven up your patio area or adding security lights around your backyard, outdoor landscape lighting combines fun and functionality with any outdoor space. However, getting power to your outdoor lights can be challenging as a… Read More
Can You Add Electricity to Your Shed in Silver Spring?
Your shed can most likely have working electricity – improving the functionality and increasing the value of your home. Even though lights, heat, and outlets in your shed can help you out, running electricity to a shed can be a… Read More
Tips to Protecting Yourself from Electrical Hazards During a Storm
Any resident living on the East Coast can testify to the damage provoked by electrical hazards a severe storm can leave behind. You must already have a safety checklist and evacuation plan in place, but have you thought about the… Read More
Why Does the Smoke Detector Chirp in My Bethesda Home?
Typically, if your smoke detector is making chirping sounds, the batteries are not functioning well. The chirping warns you about changing out the batteries, and although this may be the primary reason, there are other causes for a constant chirp…. Read More
Why Does My Light Switch Keep Shocking Me?
Have you ever walked into one of your rooms, reached for the light switch, and got shocked by an unexpected static discharge? You might wonder if there is more to know about this “shocking” circumstance than just a spark at… Read More